Monthly Archives: October 2014

4 posts

What I’m Reading #2

This is some of what I’ve been reading lately:    The Legend of Eli Monpress series – Rachel Aaron – I just finished Spirit’s End. If you’re looking for a break from grimdark, you should really check out this series. There’s plenty of death, destruction, and high stakes, but it’s told from a lighter perspective, with characters worth loving and rooting for. There is real loyalty and self-sacrifice, along with some really fantastic and inventive magic. As a random aside, I have no idea why the covers are so different. They’re obviously part of different editions, but I don’t know why. The second […]

Cover Sketch! The Dragon’s Tongue

The cover artist for The Dragon’s Tongue (and the rest of the A Long-Forgotten Song series) sent me a sketch! I did the typography, and that’s not actually the final layout because obviously it will be book cover shaped. But seriously, how awesome is this?   Also, you can preorder an ebook of The Dragon’s Tongue now!

I Finally Did It…

I got up the courage to join the Insecure Writer’s Support Group. Yeah, how silly is that? I’ve been thinking about it for a while because it seems like a great group of people. But another commitment? Seriously? I didn’t want to flake out, so I just didn’t join for oh… months. An embarrassingly large number of months. But here I am, and here’s my first post. I had a major bout of doubt and frustration a few weeks ago. I spent real money, as in triple digits, on a number of advertising and publicity efforts. Nothing really panned out. […]